About Me

Atlanta based developer seeking opportunities to find creative solutions. When I'm not coding you can find me cooking, singing and dancing with my nieces and nephew, or supporting the local restaurant scene.


  • Scene it?

    This movie app uses the OMDb API to allow a user to search any movie within the API and save those movies to local storage in the browser. Scene It was built using JavaScript, jQuery, Axios, and Bootstrap to format the JSON data coming from the API.

  • Blog and Comment

    Member of a 3-person remote development team building a blog that allows users to sign up with a username and encrypted password and then to write and comment on blogs. Built with Node.JS, Express, PostgreSQL, EJS-templates, Bcrypt, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS.

  • Blackjack

    A blackjack game using vanilla JavaScript that allows users to deal, hit and stand to determine the winner. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


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